What is WELCA? It's an easy way to say Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Our organization includes Lutheran women who gather in over 7,000 locations in the U.S. and the Caribbean, for service, study, advocacy, fellowship and more! WELCA embraces all kinds of ministries that support our mission of mobilizing women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ. There is a place for you in Women of the ELCA!

How does WELCA work? There are three expressions of Women of the ELCA, each with its own constitution:

  1. The congregational, inter-congregational and special units are the largest expression of the organization are the heart of the organization.
  2. The synodical women's organization (SWOs) establish a partnership with units in their geographic areas and with the churchwide women's organization.
  3. The churchwide women's organization (CWO) is the entire organization.

The churchwide executive board hires an executive director to oversee the operations of the CWO; the executive director, in turn, hires staff to assist in that endeavor.

WELCA is the women's ministry organization of the ELCA. It is separately incorporated and is not an auxiliary of the church. It is financially independent and responsible for its own financial affairs. Financial support comes from individual and group offerings and gifts.

For more information, please contact Rejoice Fellowship’s WELCA leaders, Jerry Young (jayjmy942@yahoo.com) or Louise Houck (l.houck2014@verizon.net)